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Community building

Besides gaining knowledge, we also love to share it with the community.

For that reason, we are extra proud of our years-long partnership with the Faculty of Organization and Informatics and the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, in which we share our knowledge and hands-on experience with students. We also like to exchange knowledge at conferences such as JavaCRO, SaaStanak or SHIFT.

Our blog page is also a way through which we like to share best practices on various topics — from programming and marketing to employee management.

FOI students at Leapwise office with Zlatko Horvat

Leapwise newsletter

Recently, we’ve also launched our first newsletter series. The idea behind it is to further connect with the community and to share our best practices. To see the latest highlights of our software development journey — from top-tier projects to exciting company culture, subscribe to our newsletter at the link 👉

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